Benefits of Membership
With your High Park Community League Membership you will be able to attend various High Park events for free like our 50+ Suppers. You also gain the ability to enroll your children into community-based sports, such as soccer and baseball. Also, the Community League Wellness Program
Reduced rates to City of Edmonton recreational facilities through the Community League Wellness Program which offers the following discounts:
Annual Membership - 20% discount on Adult, Family, Child, and Youth/Senior Annual Memberships.
Multi Admission Pass* - 15% discount on already discounted multi admission pass (5+ visits) *Applies to new purchases only.
Continuous Monthly Membership - 20% discount on an on-going monthly membership.
Membership costs are as follows:
$25 for a family membership
$15 for a single membership
$5 for seniors
For any inquiries regarding memberships, contact Carrie Berg - email